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Grace Dickinson


September 2, 2021

The Value of Competition

When the bright lights of the competition floor start shining down on you it is easy for the butterflies in your stomach to appear out of seemingly nowhere. I had been doing CrossFit for only a year and a half when I did my first competition. The thought of competing is very overwhelming, especially for someone who doesn’t like a lot of eyes on them. If it wasn’t for some very persistent coaches I probably would have never signed up at all, but thank goodness I did. In my division there were 12 other competitors including my own sister. The trash talking, fighting, and much more started as soon as the first workout was sent out. Maybe competing against my sister wasn’t the best idea. Workout One was a classic combination, 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 air squats. Not being able to do a pullup at the time, I wondered what did I get myself into... A ton of nerves filled me as it was time to get on that floor. I repeatedly told myself I don’t ever have to compete again after this. Clock countdown 3,2,1, GO and all the nerves left me. I was just out there doing what I love to do. With the energy of the crowd and excitement I jumped up to the bar and achieved my first ever pullup. I was fired up, jumped up and did it again. In the 11 minute AMRAP I completed 1 round + 1 pullup. I came in last place in that workout, but yet that was the one I was most proud of myself. That’s when I realized I wasn’t just competing against everyone else but also myself. Being in that environment gave me the urge to expand on everything I’ve been doing for those 1.5 years. Competing both allows a person to go past what they thought possible of themselves and find new weaknesses and things to improve on. The competition environment, while it can be intimidating, also pushes you past you’re limits. If you are waiting for the perfect time to compete, the wait is over. You’re ready now. Jump in and find your limits and the heights that you thought you could never reach.  If you’re interested in competing check out Games Day, our in house competition benefitting the National Kidney Foundation, at


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