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April 26, 2021
How Strong is Strong Enough?
Why lift weights? Why would you want to get “strong?”Good question, I’m glad you asked! Let me explain.Strong is a relative term. Strength allows you to move through life with less apprehension and worry.You know that no matter the physical task - be it walking up a steep hill, keeping your dog from sprinting after the mailman, or picking up the giant package amazon so kindly left on your sidewalk - nothing is going to stop you in your tracks.Muscular strength helps us avoid injury, increases overall health and gives us more confidence in our daily lives. I mean, if you can pick a 155 pound barbell up off of the floor, you can be confident that you’ll be able to safely perform most tasks outside the gym. You’ll know that you won’t get hurt when you bend over and pick up that box, because you understand how to hinge at your hips and use your legs and core to more weight.Boxes, barbells, kettlebells - they’re all the same. They’re just weight you need to move. So, you use the things we learn in class - you brace your core, you gain leverage over the object, and you pick it up and carry it where you need it.You didn’t need help. Why? Because you’re strong enough.Depending on your profession, your hobbies and leisure activities, and the demands of your home life, we each need to be strong in different ways. We need to be able to push, pull, lift, carry and sustain these movements. Life sounds a lot like a workout to me. You might as well get strong and make it a little easier. Want to get stronger?
Sign up for the upcoming Strength Clinic HERE.
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