The foot is probably one of the most amazing innovations of human engineering. No other animal can walk on two feet with such ease. Our top engineers can not even design a robot that comes close to how our feet help us stand upright.And yet sadly they are often forgotten, shoved into shoes that are designed into shapes our feet were never meant to be.We often neglect them until it's too late. Every movement you do in your daily life involves your feet to some degree. But we continue to hide them away and force them into shoes that they were never meant to be in for 10 hours a day.The most common prescribed fix to foot pain is to wear extra cushiony shoes or insoles which is the worst thing you can do. If you want to lose your foot pain you need to stop wearing constricting shoes so much and instead walk around barefoot, roll out the bottoms of your feet with a lacrosse ball and strengthen it.You foot is a muscle treat it like you would any other muscle.Stretch it, do exercises with it, take care of it. The amazing thing is once you start taking care of your feet other aches and pains in your body might start going away.Your body works in unison if one part is off the entire system can be thrown off. Pain is alarming, foot pain might be one of the worst but it's your body's way of telling you that something is wrong so listen to it.Coach Isaac